digitizing system中文什么意思

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  1. Cartesian coordinates , digitizing system
  2. Based on computer vision principles , a new 3d digitizing system is developed in this paper using a digital camera and cars " models can be constructed only by photography
  3. Digitalization is very important in the modern communication and radar systems , so it is very useful to study digitized receiver . because of today ' s technology , it is difficult to sample rf signal , so we study if digitized receiver now . and in digitized system , signal processing is a important part , so we also work on it
  4. Fast and accurate 3d data - technology leader providing optical 3d surface digitizing systems , measurement , quality inspection , cad services for improved product quality , speed to market in automotive , aerospace , energy , electronics , consumer products , other industries through world class technologies


  1. digitizing encoder 什么意思
  2. digitizing error 什么意思
  3. digitizing map 什么意思
  4. digitizing puck 什么意思
  5. digitizing surfaces 什么意思
  6. digitizing table 什么意思
  7. digitizing tablet 什么意思
  8. digitizing the battlefield db 什么意思
  9. digitizing threshold 什么意思
  10. digitizing video signal 什么意思


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